Moving to a big girl bed…

150 150 Hillary Lachman

I can’t believe it. My baby (who will be 2 in exactly 2 months from today) is now 95% potty trained (trained except for night and naps) and now in a big girl bed. What other milestones are there?

Let me back up to when I “officially” decided to move her out of the crib.

I was watching her at nap a few days ago and saw her try to climb out. She tried lifting her leg over the edge and was unsuccessful. SO, knowing her, I knew she would discover it soon. We borrowed a toddler bed from our friends and today packed away her crib. The crib! The piece of furniture she’s slept in since she was 4 months old is now packed away waiting for a new baby (no worries mom… not soon). I was really nervous to transition her. Lilly is a very curious child. She gets into everything and wants to look under furniture to see how it’s built. She like to open and close her drawers and closet doors as fast as she can to see what happens. I guess all kids are like this but my nieces weren’t as into stuff they shouldn’t be so I wasn’t expecting such a curious George as a child.

Here’s how our day went today (you know me.. have to tell the world everything…)

Nap is usually around 1:00. We fed her lunch and brought her upstairs and showed her her new bed. She kept saying “chair!” while sitting in it and looking around for the “bed.” After we spent some time with her, we left the room. My husband and I ran down stairs to get the monitor and watch. If you are a parent, you understand the excitement of watching your child– whether they are 2 months old or 20 months old– on the monitor.

Normally, once we shut the door, she holds onto her side rails and jumps up and down in her crib for a while. Eh, it’s good exercise, right? Anyway.. she stood up and looked for her rails and since they weren’t there, she grabbed the side railing (which is low) and she held it and was jumping up and down. My husband and I were cracking up so hard. Then we see her get out of the bed….dun dun DUNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…

First she was slamming her drawers laughing. Then the closet doors. Then I went up there and put her back in bed. I explained to her that this is her new big girl bed and this is where she sleeps. She said “ok mom” (yes my kid calls me MOM lol) and I walked out. I sat outside her door for a few minutes and saw her get out and I said “get back in bed lilly” she goes “ok!” and crawled back in. This went on for a while. THEN I was ignoring her getting out of bed and she went to the door. She can’t (at that time) open the doors so I wasn’t expecting her to open it. Well, the smart cookie she is opened the door and laughed when she saw me. I was in SHOCK. Are you kidding me?! You really just opened this door. Wow. So we put the child door handle covers on and she then was upset because her new trick didn’t work.

Then, she started to knock on the door saying “knock knock knock!” Then since I was ignoring her, she would kick the door then go “ow! bonk!” oh my gawd. You have got to be kidding me. THEN she said “oh PEEPEE!” so I went in there and put her on the potty and yes, she had to pee. Great. Now she will have to pee whenever I put her down!.

After about 2 hours of trying to get her down, we just gave up. We let her play downstairs and figured she’ll go to bed when she normally does.

Now what… was I going to have to have my husband put the crib back up?! Was my kid not ready? I was starting to doubt myself and not tell my mom (who kept telling me she’s not ready) “you were right” but I figured I would try a few more days and see how it goes. She has to go to sleep, right?

Skip to bed time. She has her bath and when we walk into her room (her bathroom is in her room) she says “bed!” and crawled into it all excited. We read her nightly stories (“Thank you Bear” and “The Giving Tree”) and I said, “Ok monkey, it’s time to go to bed in your big girl bed!” and she crawled into bed. I kissed her goodnight and walked out. I watched her on the monitor sit there for a few minutes and looking around the room so confused. I think she was thinking “Wait. Do I play? Do I go to sleep? Do I talk to myself?” She layed down and tucked herself back in with her Dora doll (she doesn’t even watch Dora) and her baby and then after a minute, she gets out of bed. OH MY GAWD PLEASE NO… I was hoping she would just go to SLEEP! All she did was run over to her bookshelf and grab a book and get back into bed, read it, and fell asleep.

Are you serious? THAT was SIMPLE! I waited for a few minutes for her to be REALLY asleep and turned on a light to go take a few pictures. I then cried a little that my baby isn’t a baby anymore 🙁